Social WiFi is a service which customers simply check-in to your location on Facebook to connect to Free Wi-Fi. When they check-in on your Facebook page, their friends can discover your business by seeing the story in their News Feed
Social WiFi is a service which customers simply check-in to your location on Facebook to connect to Free Wi-Fi. When they check-in on your Facebook page, their friends can discover your business by seeing the story in their News Feed
Social WiFi is a service which customers simply check in to your location on Facebook to connect to Free Wi-Fi. When they check in on your Facebook´s page, their friends can discover your business by seeing the story in their News Feed
Social Wifi is a perfect solution to every single business with internet connection (ADSL or Fibre) Which It would like to offer Wi-Fi on a clear an easy way (without passwords)
Social Wifi is a perfect solution to every single business with internet connection (ADSL or Fibre) Which It would like to offer Wi-Fi on a clear an easy way (without passwords)
Your customers will select your Wi-Fi network. When the open the browser and search for something, It will appear Facebook´s portal.
They will access through theirs Facebook´s Profile and share with friends your business information.
When they check-in to your business, they will be free to surf. As a result, more check-ins and engagement will improve your visibility on Facebook.
Every single customer connected to your WiFi will become an opportunity to enhance your brand. From that moment. Your will have endless opportunities to show your offers and events to your customers through Social Networks.
Every single customer connected to your Wifi will become an opportunity to enhance your brand. From that moment. Your will have endless opportunities to show your offers and events to your customers through Social Networks.
When your customers check-in, they will be automatically redirected to your Facebook Page and it will be suggested to follow you. After that, your customers will receive all your offers, posts and events
When your customers check-in, they will be automatically redirected to your Facebook Page and it will be suggested to follow you. After that, your customers will receive all your offers, posts and events .
How can you attract new customers to your business? Nowadays, online mouth-to-mouth is becoming more important. So… How can I make the customers speak about me?
Social WiFi is a powerful tool which allows your customers leave feedback and comments about your post and share your events with their friends.Moreover, It will increase your traffic in your Facebook page and You will be on the first positions on the search engines .
How can you attract new customers to your business?Nowadays, online mouth-to-mouth is becoming more important . So… So.. How can I make the customers speak about me?
Social WiFi is a powerful tool which allows your customers leave feedback and comments about your post and share your events with their friends. As a result,It will increase your traffic in your Facebook page and You will be on the first positions on the search engines
1 year minimum contract
1 Access Point Single Band (Deposit 120 €) Dual Band (Deposit 282 €
Access Point Set up
Integration with Facebook
Remote Assistance
Public network + private network
Custom network name
Not Included:
Monthly Network Report
Social Network Strategies
1 year minimum contract
1 Access Point Single Band (Deposit 120 €)
Access Point Set up
Integration with Facebook
Public network + private network
Custom network name
Remote Assistance
Wifi Network Analyse
Monthly Network Report Optional
Not Included:
Social Network Strategy
1 year minimum contract
1 access point Dual Band (Deposit 282 €)
Access Point Set up
Integration with Facebook
Remote Assistance
Wifi Network Analyse
Public network + private network
Custom network name
Monthly Network ReportOptional
Social Network Strategies Optional
Only One Payment
1 Access Point84 € Single Band
Access Point Set up
Integration with Facebook
Public network + private network
Custom network name
Remote Assistance59’99 €/monthly
Not Included:
Monthly Network Survey
Report Social Network Strategies
We can make one for You!
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